COERR Mae Sot Organized the Training of Trainer in Agriculture

During January 12-14, 2016 COERR organized the TOT Intensive Course in Agriculture for refugees, focusing on visiting farmers’ organic farms to learn about cultivations,problems and giving advices for solutions. Trainees have learned about various forms of cultivations: growing vegetables in the ground, in available containers like pots, sacks, basket, etc.; making compost, instead of buying fertilizers, to reduce the cost of production. On February 9, 2016, certificates were presented to 15 refugees who finished this training for trainer (TOT) course in Ban Umpiem Camp, Tak Province.

On February 9, 2016, certificates are presented to 15 refugees who finished the training for trainer (TOT) course in Ban Umpiem Camp, Tak Province

A meeting held on February 11, to discuss with 8 families on water supplies for cultivation and management

Since water supplies are limited, cultivation is reduced. While animal raising activities continue. Animal waste are used as fertilizers in vegetable farm.

Animal raising is quite successful, for example the rabbit raising group. In January there were 7 newborn rabbit. So far, there are totally 10 rabbits.

Mae La farmers are promoted to grow vegetables in Zone C and sell their products in front of COERR Mae Sod Office every Tuesday and Thursday.

In Nupho, during January-February, refugees who have fisnished the training course have started cultivation in their own compound for their family consumption.

During January-February, there were 4 farmer families working in the demonstration farm in Ban Nupho and there will be more families joining. Their harvested vegetables are sold in the camp market, such as green beans, tomatoes, morning glory, and coriander.

From our visits and observations, varieties of activities have been carried out by farm trainees. Each family prefers growing 4-5 kinds of vegetables. They make compost for soil fertility, and grow different plants to prevent pests. They consult and share their experience within their community for lessons learned for mutual benefit